Dear Clients and Partners,
The spread of the Coronavirus continues around the world. Our priority at this challenging time is to reduce the risk to our people, while continuing to support you, our Clients to the best of our ability.
In order to reduce potential disruptions to your supply chains, we will create an Information Center, which will constantly monitor up-to-date circumstances at the main terminals, border crossing points and logistical routes.
Our offices are currently closed as a result of the Coronavirus-related regulations introduced by the Swiss Federal Council, and as a result we may not be able to react to your requests as efficiently as we would in normal circumstances.
We are however trying to adapt and work remotely when possible. If, at any time, you need to speak with someone in Integral Petroleum SA, please get in touch with your usual contact or write to and we will deal with your request as soon as we are able.
I thank you for your continued support and wish you the very best through this challenging time.
Best regards,
Murat Seitnepesov
Managing Director